剧目介绍 一位邮递员穿着全套的制服 试图在自行车上实现他的梦想 In full delivery uniform, a postman carries on his bicycle the teater for his dreams. 在每一个包裹里都充满了爆炸般的惊喜 In booby-trapped parcels,crammed with explosive images. 在邮递员解开包裹、将秘密展现给大家时 他将展示一个美丽的有棕榈树和海洋的大陆 In breaking into the secrets of his parcels, he will reveal a fabulous continent, an illusion of holidays, a climate of uninhibited games against back ground of palm trees and ocean. 让你仿佛置身在假日,置身于一种不受约束的游戏氛围 我们带着包裹从丛林走到马戏团 将所有幻想和想象精心包在一个个包裹里 We travel from the jungle parcel to the circus parcel at the whim of the illusions in these carefully wrapped parcels.
这个谦逊的邮递员为我们每一个人带来了梦想和希望。 This modest postman delivers dreams and hopes for each of us.